Sabtu, 26 Juni 2010

Oh what a life...
A month or so, if I may say
Quite hard, but this is it
Nothing will ever get better
It gets hard each day
I get stronger each day, but...
I am a human, I get hopeless every once in a while
I sometimes lost in my own thoughts, most of them are sad
I end up being sad every single night
"I love you" just sounds meaningless right now
The only words that's left is "I miss you"
I keep telling everyone that I'm missing him, but it ended up hurting everybody
I keep telling myself that it's no way, but it ended up getting things even painful

Sometimes, I have this feeling...
A feeling that makes me want to disappear and come back again when everything get easy
A feeling of being so vulnerable
A feeling of hiding
I thought the past would just pass by, but I was wrong
I am living in my past right now and I'm wishing that my past could turn into my present
Or maybe even my future
I just hate how things going on right now, I don't feel lucky at all
I feel so alone
Even I'm in the crowd, I still feel shattered

I'm water
He's water
We came from two different containers
Water meet water
They blend
We blend
Something separate us in another 2 containers
I still have him in me
He has me in him
It still hurts

I asked God
Why did He let us meet if He wouldn't let us be together?
How could He let us fell in love?
I still don't understand why
I'm trying to understand
People told me to ask God for my true one, but...
I have no vision of the one
I don't want to...
I want him...

I got tangled up
I keep thinking about what was it like back then
I miss everything
I want to go back
I wish I could go back, but...
There's no way back
I can't find it
Someone erased it

All that it's left is me
He used to be there when everything started to fell apart
He was there to put the pieces back
He was there to tell everything will be okay
He was there to hear me
And now, I have pushed him away...

I miss looking at you
I miss touching you
I miss listening to your voice
Your heartbeat
Your breath
The sound of your steps
I miss how you told me that I'm beautiful
I don't feel beautiful ever since, at all
I feel so ugly
I feel horrible
There's nobody telling me I'm okay
I'm hopeless

Nothing more I can do
I only cry
I only curse
I only sit
I only stand
I only sleep restlessly

I tried...
I tried to be happy
I tried to be good
I tried to eat my sadness away, but...
It's eating me alive

I feel so far away from everything
I feel so far behind
I feel left out

There's still a fear
A fear of being alone
A fear of cannot survive
A fear of being rejected
A fear of being hurt
A fear of not being able to run away
A fear of being stuck, while everyone else is moving on
A fear of being replaced

I really need one more day with you
I acted sarcastic
I feel no love
I feel nothing

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